Test Data Format

Test data for service virtualisation and testing can be externalised to JSON files.

This page describes the format of these files. Both leverage the same format.

The directories in which these files lie id described in the documentation on service virtualisation and contract tests.

    "http-request": {
        "method": "POST",
        "path": "/url/path/(number)/some/more/path",
        "headers": {
            "X-Header-Name1": "(string)",
            "X-Header-Name2": "(string)"

        "query": {
            "id": "(number)",
            "type": "(string)"

        "form-fields": {
            "Data": "(PredefinedJsonType)",
            "MoreData": "some hardcoded value"

        "multipart-formdata": [
                "name": "customers",
                "content": "(string)",
                "filename": "@data.csv",
                "contentType": "text/plain",
                "contentEncoding": "gzip"
        "body": {
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "address": "22 Baker Street"

    "http-response": {
        "status": 200,
        "headers": {
            "X-Header-Name": "(string)",
            "X-Header-Name2": "(string)"
        "body": "some value"

Notes on the request format:

  1. path parameters if any appear inline (e.g. /customer/10), but query parameters need to mentioned separately in the query section.
  2. Multipart:
    • Provide either content or filename, not both
    • filename must start with @
    • contentType is optional, and is matched against the Content-Type header
    • contentEncoding is matched against the Content-Encoding header
  3. Body can also just be a string, such “Hello world”, or an array, such as [1, 2, 3]

Notes on the response format:

  1. In Contract Tests, only the status is needed. Headers and body are not needed, and are ignored if provided.